COVID-19 Resources



Emotional Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Working and Learning from Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak

17 Ways to Stay Sober When You’re Stuck at Home - Staying home during social distancing can be a challenge for anyone, but especially those in recovery. Here are some great tips on staying sober during this time.

4 Tips for Staying Strong as the World Reopens - Like any big change in life, emerging from the pandemic may be difficult for people who are newly sober.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty - Social distancing is new and full of uncertainty. Here are some tips to protect your mental health during this time.

Manage Anxiety and Stress - The CDC offers some great tips on how to support your mental health, as well as others around you, during this challenging time

Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus Crisis - Kids worry more when they’re kept in the dark. Here are some tips on how to talk to them about the Coronavirus Crisis

Back to School: Five Ways to Support Your Children

Hello, I am a Virus - an Interactive Picture Book to help children understand what the COVID-19 virus is and how to stay safe by washing their hands and using hand sanitizer.

How Teenagers can Protect their Mental Health During COVID-19 - 6 strategies for teens facing a new (temporary) normal



Are you experiencing a Substance Abuse or Mental Health Crisis? Help is available.

Quest Counseling provides 24/7/365 crisis management for anybody experiencing mental health crises and/or substance abuse.


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