Problem Gambling & Mental Health

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Problem gambling is often referred to as a ‘hidden addiction,’ yet an estimated 9 million American adults suffer from a gambling problem, resulting in a national social cost of $14 billion annually. Despite the prevalence of gambling addiction in the United States, no federal agency is tasked with addressing it, and there are no federal funds designated for problem gambling treatment or research. Help us raise awareness during the month of March for this important cause! For more information about how Problem Gambling can effect mental health check out the following article:

National Social Work Month

March is National Social Work Month. Social work practice in behavioral health promotes well-being through by assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness, substance use, and other addictions. Social work is a critical part of behavioral health treatment. Join Quest in celebrating the dedicated social workers in our community!

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month. The relationship between nutrition and mental health is bidirectional: the foods we eat affect our mental health, and our mental health status affects what and how well we eat. This month, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) are partnering to highlight the interconnectedness of nutrition and mental health. To learn more about how the public views diet and mental health, visit

Friendship & Mental Health

Friendships provide so much more than just a good time. Maintaining positive relationships, like healthy eating and exercise, should be considered a necessary investment in your health. Spending time with friends is not only enjoyable, but it also has numerous long-term physical and emotional health benefits. Read the below article for reasons that friendships are good for your mental health.

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National Minority Mental Health Month

National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month is observed in July as a nationwide effort developed by Mental Health America. It hopes to bring to attention the multitude of mental health experiences within BIPOC communities. The month also takes into consideration the unfair inequities such as systemic and historical barriers that negatively impact a person’s mental health.

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Purposeful Parenting

July is National Purposeful Parenting Awareness Month. Mindful parenting involves using psychological tools to circumvent these harmful emotional reactions and remain centered in the moment, thereby allowing parents to make thoughtfully measured choices. Mindful parents strive to balance self-insight and emotional honesty with meeting the needs of their children, all while fostering values of mutual respect and acceptance.

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Why Talk About Feelings?

Feelings and emotions are important because they fuel and motivate human behavior. Not many of us are brought up to talk easily and openly about how we feel. Even acknowledging feelings and emotions can be difficult. But in counseling we can be given the tools to understand, articulate, and manage our feelings in a healthy way.

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What Is PSR?

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (PSR) is most useful when the clients/ parents feel as though extra support might be needed within the home or in other community settings. A PSR specialist provides services outside of an office and teaches skills such as effective communication, self-sufficiency, setting boundaries, problem identification and resolution, and social competency. PSR is supplemental to therapy, it does not replace it. Quest is happy to offer PSR as one of our many wrap around services for clients who need it.

Happy 1 Year Anniversary To Our Child Psych Program!

Quest Counseling is so proud of the Child & Youth Psychiatric Program. Congratulations on a successful 1st year. We look forward to continuing to grow this program and serve the children and youth of Northern Nevada.

In it's first year this program has served over 300 clients and their families and has doubled there staff. We have plans to continue to expand the program with more access to play therapy and APRN services.

Perinatal Mental Health

Perinatal refers to the time around birth, and is typically defined as from the time of pregnancy to one year post birth. Perinatal mental health issues can take many different forms. Our goal is to partner with various community resources to provide applicable services for pregnant and parenting women who are interested in exploring sobriety or a harm-reduction approach to substance use. Our staff is trained in trauma-informed care and provides meaningful, evidenced-based therapeutic care.